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Fake Old News

27th November 2017. Bigly disappointed, yugely bigly disappointed, with CFNN – Cable Fake News Nigers – for twisted obsessions – not that lightweight loser A-Turkey-General, Sessions, just real sad media obsession – with making me look badliest.Imagine… Ivanka in a thong – nice! – but srsly imagine yourself of loser liberal Obamacare Disaster Democrats who do not defend right of many fine men not to be falsely accused by sicko women who you only grabbed by the tit once or twice, not even the pussy! Some of those women were fat, were not worth my looking at, far less wasting these yuge hands grabbing their flabby pussies! Bigliest hands equals bigliest you-know-what! Bigliest Tax Cuts Ever coming soon and give a tiny fake trophy to CFNN and a huge high five – not to any kneeling Niger fakers at football games but to all those hot Native American Pocahantases in thongs like Ivanka! Yes!!!! Nothing like Redskin strippers put that bigly feather right in her you-know-where! But all those Cable Fake News Nigers making me look badd could learn from Sean Presidential Smega-Nose Hannity make me look goodly instead and then I might answer if I will go to Texas to defend Judge Roy Bean-Head Moore against sick Obamacare Disaster Nigers who don’t want tax cuts for white people. Sorry, for many fine people. But hard being 70 and ¾. Just about the only Fox who likes me now is Fox News.

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